
Thank-you for your interest in volunteering to help your neighbours with the Flamborough Food Bank. If you are a new volunteer, please read about the ways you can help.  

  • Sorting food donations

  • Picking up food donations in the community

  • Setting up the food bank in preparation for families

  • Helping families on shopping days at the food bank

  • Attending to a station (reception, packing shopping carts, kids’ snacks) on food bank shopping days

We have several Special Events throughout the year that requires volunteer support. To learn about our volunteering opportunities, join our monthly volunteer newsletter.  

You can sign up below.

Contact Us

Have food to drop off?

We have three drop off locations:

Waterdown Fortinos
115 Hamilton Street North

Waterdown Sobeys
255 Dundas Street East

Griffin Vintage Furniture 
7 Griffin Street